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Battlefield Acupuncture Baltimore, MD

2-Day BFA Seminar in Baltimore Maryland




Hilton Baltimore BWI Airport





Date:  September 17th – 18th, 2022

Time:  Saturday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm     Sunday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm




Guest Rooms

Hilton Baltimore BWI Airport

Room rate is $179.00 per night

To make a room reservation please call the hotel directly at (443) 577-2412 







PDAs 16 for NCCAOM

CEs 16 CEs though CE Broker




Click on Registration Link below to signup:


Seminar cost $425.00



2-Day BFA Seminar Baltimore MD


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Battlefield Acupuncture Seminar Schedule


The Battlefield Acupuncture Seminar schedule is as follows:

The morning part (9:00 am to 12:00 pm) of the seminar is didactic, with the afternoon segment (1:30pm to 5:00 pm) of seminar consisting of hands on learning and clinical treatment of patients. Here is how the seminar is structured:



8:30 am check in and registration opens

9:00 am the seminar begins

10:30 am break for 15 minutes

12:00 pm to 1:15 pm lunch break

1:30 pm to 4:30 clinical treatment of patients

3:30 pm 15-minute break

4:30 pm finish clinical treatments

4:30 to 5:00 pm discussion on the day’s treatments and results followed by Q&A. 

5:00 pm the seminar ends. Please feel free to stay after class to ask us any questions you may have.




Day 1 – Basic BFA Training


Illusions of the Ear

The history of Acupuncture and Auriculotherapy in the US

Point theory behind BFA

History of Battlefield Acupuncture (BFA) and what conditions can it treat?

Why use BFA?

Types of Needles used and Why

Needle Insertion techniques

Point Location and Function

Clinical Cut-Offs and Delayed Response

Ear Care and Follow-up 




Day 2 – Advanced BFA Training


Review of Basic Battlefield Acupuncture Protocol 

The Illusions of the Ear

Incorporating Nogier’s Phases into BFA

Paul Nogier’s auriculotherapy phases 

When to consider using Advanced Battlefield Acupuncture

Pairing and Clustering of BFA Needles

Incorporating Devices to enhance clinical outcomes

Types of Needles used in BFA and Why

Needle Insertion techniques

How and when to apply Advanced BFA in your clinical practice successfully

Successfully implementing auriculotherapy into your practice

Ear Care and Follow-up with BFA

Questions and Answers








One-Day basic Battlefield Acupuncture Seminar 

Date: September 17th, 2022

Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm



One-Day Basic BFA Seminar


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Day 1 – Basic BFA Training


Illusions of the Ear

The history of Acupuncture and Auriculotherapy in the US

Point theory behind BFA

History of Battlefield Acupuncture (BFA) and what conditions can it treat?

Why use BFA?

Types of Needles used and Why

Needle Insertion techniques

Point Location and Function

Clinical Cut-Offs and Delayed Response

Ear Care and Follow-up