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BFA Certification and Education Programs

Acupuncture and Acupressure Certification Programs


Pain Management Education Programs



We are pleased to announce our BFA distance training course leading to BFA certification. Our certification programs in “Battlefield Acupuncture” (BFA) and “Battlefield Acupressure” (BFAP) are renewable annually. The cost is $250.00 for 8 NCCAOM AOM-BIO PDAs including a one-year membership. The 8 NCCAOM AOM-BIO PDAs are divided into 2 four-hour courses. They are “Pain Management and Awareness” (4 NCCAOM AOM-BIO PDAs) and “Soft Tissues Pain Evaluation and Awareness” (4 NCCAOM AOM-BIO PDAs).



Enrollment options: Go to our online certification site –


  • BFA Acupuncture Certification Distance Learning Training Course* — $250.00 USD
  • Soft Tissues Pain Evaluation and Awareness (PDA-871-24) — $50.00 USD
  • Pain Management and Awareness (PDA-871-25) — $50.00 USD


* The Distance learning course does not include the life seminar which has to be taken separately. Compared to the individual courses, it includes the added material leading to the certification and yearly membership. See below.



Pending education courses (as of November 2023)


  • Meridian Pathologies – Spine, Upper and Lower Limbs — 9 PDA.
  • Sinusitis — 4 PDA.
  • Headaches, Five Phases and Functional and Meridian Aspects — 5 PDA.


Further information:

Our sister site: and its separate online education component:

Our site (this site): https:/




The spirit of our work

Improving Quality of Life through Pain Management.




We have taught the protocol for over a decade to thousands of students across the world. Our students include hundreds of employees of government organizations (DOD/US Military, VA, IHS (Indian Health Service, NATO/MOD (Ministry of Defense). Over this period, we collected clinical observations and questions from students and organizations. We also witnessed the growing interest in the protocol, in pain management techniques and in a need to ensure (1) a coherence in the basic practice of the protocol, (2) a community of practitioners who can share experiences and information on a platform and (3) a referral roster of active members that can be used by patients.




Our two certification programs are both based on the fulfilment of two educational units and one practical unit:


Unit 1 2-day BFA life seminar 2-day BFAP life seminar
Unit 2 8-hour distance learning 8-hour distance learning
Unit 3 40 treatments log sheet 40 treatments log sheet



Unit 1 consists of a two-day live Battlefield Acupuncture seminar. 16 NCCAOM PDAs (16 AOM-AC).


Unit 2 consists of two four-hour distance learning courses in basic ‘Pain Management and Awareness’ and ‘Soft Tissues Pain Evaluation and Awareness’ (8 AOM-BIO PDAs).


Unit 3 is 40 documented treatments of patients using the BFA protocol. It must be completed within a year of completing Unit 2.



Certification (for those who have taken our BFA Seminar training)

Our certification cost is $250 for those that took our BFA training seminar.  We offer a grandfathering pathway for practitioners having completed Unit 1 (BFA) as long as they fulfill Unit 2 (online training) and Unit 3 (40 BFA treatments) within the year preceding the certification application. Cost for Unit 2, Membership and application (which is sent after payment) is $250 dollars. Unit 3 must be completed and applies only to the year during the certification process (forms will be sent).


For those who have not taken any of our training, the cost of the complete certification program (the three units) is: $675.00 and includes a one-year membership. The certification is active for a year. Maintaining the certification requires: (1) active membership and either: (1) 20 treatments using BFA or BFAP or (2) 15 treatments using BFA and BFAP plus a published article in our newsletter or in a medical journal. 




Membership privileges include online videos on BFA-related material including “How to bill for BFA,” unlimited phone and email contact with our BFA team, quarterly electronic magazine, all BFA treatments forms and ear care management notes, listing in the electronic roster of active BFA and BFAP professionals and access to members’ information.




Type Yearly Dues
Professional $70
Students and Public $40




Electronic Newsletter

We aim at providing information pertaining to complementary pain management techniques and Battlefield Acupuncture and Acupressure observations and techniques and news. Our first electronic newsletter is projected June 15th, 2022. For details on publishing articles and on advertisements please contact us at (240) 688-3431.




Credentialing is specific to Military organizations, Veterans Health Administration (VA) and Indian Health Service / Tribal Health Program (IHS/THP). For credentialing questions please call us at (240) 481-0061.



Organic Growth

Our teaching organization aims at facilitating an organic growth in several educational and delivery sectors. All constructive suggestions, comments and assistance are welcome.


Battlefield Acupuncture Certification Distance Training Course cost $250.00

To Signup Click on Registration Link below:


Online certification site –


  • BFA Acupuncture Certification Distance Learning Training Course
  • Soft Tissues Pain Evaluation and Awareness (PDA-871-24)
  • Pain Management and Awareness (PDA-871-25)




Become a Certified Battlefield Acupuncture/Acupressure Provider


BFA training seminars use acupuncture/acupressure and ASP® needles/ear seeds to reduce pain and increase the quality of life for all patients.


Earning your BFA/BFAP certification will connect you to an international community of BFA/BFAP providers.


Training seminars are provided to all medical practitioners, government health care employees, Indian Health Service (IHS) providers, and members of the public.


Members of the following professions can be certified to use needles (ASP® Semi permanent needles) in BFA treatments.


  • Acupuncturists, medical doctors (MDs/DOs)
  • Military health care providers only on federal property (acupuncturists and medical doctors excepted)


Members of the following professions can be certified to use acupressure (non-needles) and ear seeds in BFA treatments.


  • Physician assistants
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Register nurses.
  • Massage therapists.
  • Physical therapists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Members of the general population looking for improved quality of health


The use of needles (ASP® Semi permanent needles) with BFA treatments is legally restricted to licensed acupuncturist and MDs / DOs.