Articles and Research Papers on Battlefield Acupuncture
Battlefield acupuncture to treat low back pain in the emergency department
Pins in Your Ears: How Acupuncture Can Help Relieve Your Pain
Implementing Battlefield Acupuncture Through a Large Medical System: Overcoming Barriers
Conclusion: BFA can positively affect provider CAM attitudes
Group Battlefield Acupuncture in Primary Care for Veterans with Pain.
Auricular Acupuncture for Chronic Pain and Insomnia: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Opioid-free treatment for chronic pain
Military Using Acupuncture For Relief
Battlefield acupuncture pain reduction treatment popular with caregivers, patients at CJTH
BFA combating the opioid crisis
Breaking down anxiety one fear at a time
Battlefield Acupuncture in the U.S. Military: A Pain-Reduction Model for NATO
Director: VA makes major strides in 2018
Group Battlefield Acupuncture in Primary Care for Veterans with Pain.
Can Battlefield Acupuncture Improve Colonoscopy Experience?
Sideline Acupuncture for Acute Pain Control: A Case Series
Acupuncture in the U.S Armed Forces: A Brief History and Review of Current Educational Approaches
Treatment of Phantom Limb Pain with Laser and Needle Auricular Acupuncture: A Case Report
Integrating Acupuncture into Military Medicine: Strategies and Challenges
Acupuncture and PTSD: ‘Come for the Needles, Stay for the Therapy’
Military Medicine: The Ancient Art of Acupuncture is New Again
Moving Acupuncture to the Frontline of Medical Care: A Feasibility Study
DoD-NCCAM/NIH Workshop on Acupuncture for Treatment of Acute Pain
Acupuncture for the Trauma Spectrum Response: Scientific Foundations, Challenges to Implementation
My Title – American soldiers deployed in Qatar use battlefield acupuncture (BFA) to relieve pain
Veteran finds relief from pain with acupuncture
Valley VA doctors optimistic about new health care program
Opioid safety topic of Roseburg VA town hall