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Advanced Battlefield Acupuncture Class


Beyond Battlefield Acupuncture


First Hand Lessions from the Battlefield


In the Advanced Battlefield Acupuncture Class we will take what you learned from the basic Battlefield Acupuncture class and build on that foundation.

We use a straightforward approach that is easy to understand. In the Advanced Battlefield Acupuncture class we will introduce many new ideas, treatments, techniques and protocols that will enhance your clinical effectiveness overnight. All of these treatments have been clinically “tested” and used by myself and others for years.


Phase 1,3,2


One of the many methods you will learn in this class is combining certain aspects from the Battlefield Acupuncture protocol to Nogier’s Three Phases system. After learning this technique you’ll be able to treat just about any patient’s condition that comes through your clinic. In the advanced Battlefield Acupuncture Class we will you teach you some of the most common points in the Nogier Phase 2 (degenerate) and Phase 3 (chronic) system to achieve these kinds of results.


Nogier’s Phase 1


With the Advanced Battlefield Acupuncture and even the Basic Battlefield Acupuncture protocol class you will see some remarkable transformations happen! (Please read a recent email I received from a student of mine in the “What should your patients expect” section)


Clinical Observation


After performing thousands of Battlefield Acupuncture treatments over the years I have made some incredible clinical observations which I will share with you. One of them is when you combine two of the Battlefield Acupuncture points to other points in the ear. In most cases these points form a straight line in the ear, which I call line therapy.  The points may vary from patient to patient and I have never seen them in any books. When you apply the Advanced Battlefield Acupuncture in your clinic, you will achieve a very high success rate in treating clinically stubborn pathologies. After this class you will elevate your practice into a whole new paradigm.
