The Basic Battlefield Acupuncture Class is the first of two classes. On selected dates I teach both the basic and advanced in the same weekend. Does it matter if you only take the basic and not the advanced? No, it might be better for some. With the basic Battlefield Acupuncture Protocol you can achieve a success rate of 80 to 90% of pain free relief in just one treatment. Some treatments can take seconds to achieve this rate. In others it might take a few minutes and like I said it’s not perfect it might not work. One good thing about this protocol is you will know in minutes if not seconds (really, I means seconds. In some patients it will take less time to achieve this then read what you just read… REALLY.)
One of the greatest things with the Battlefield Acupuncture Protocol is that it can be used as a stand alone treatment or as an adjunct treatment. You don’t have to drop your current style of acupuncture treatments, the Battlefield Acupuncture will fit in with any style.
You can use it as a stand alone treatment, or use it when you want a little bit more out of your body acupuncture treatment. Either way both you and your patients win. They leave your clinic pain free thinking you are the best acupuncturist since Hu Di.
The results from the Battlefield Acupuncture Protocol can last from hours (in extreme cases where the patients have conditions like RSD) to over one year with just one treatment. Right now I have 16 patients who received the Battlefield Acupuncture for pain relief that are still pain free 12 months later. As of June 2012 the patient with the longest amount of pain relief from one treatment is 20 months (I have checked in with them just recently).
We like to say that a conservative estimate in pain relief is any where from 1 to 3 days with little to no pain at all. You will also learn in the class why sometimes getting rid of all your patients pain is a very bad idea. Also you will learn the best way to treat these patients back to full health again.
Here are 15 good reasons why you should take this class and what you will learn:
1. How the protocol came about and the history behind it
2. What the Battlefield Acupuncture Protocol can treat
3. Why is the Battlefield Acupuncture Protocol so great
4. Knowing why we use gold needles, and knowing when and why to use the other kinds of metals.
5. The technique to insert the ASP needles into the ear, and how to get them out of the package.
6. Identify the correct location of all Battlefield Acupuncture points
7. What are the side effects Battlefield Acupuncture Protocol (they are good ones that show up later)
8. When to stop adding needles, and do you need to use all the 5 Battlefield Acupuncture points in one treatment to achieve the desired effect
9. Why do you have your patients walk after each needle is inserted (Hint, you can read all about that in my article Energetics of Battlefield Acupuncture in my blog section)
10. What to do if your patient can’t walk or is in a wheel chair
11. Learn hands on from John who learned it directly from Dr. Niemtzow in 2004 (the inventor of the Battlefield Acupuncture protocol)
12. Receive a free bag of great acupuncture swag that includes ASP® needles and other treats. Plus a 10% off coupon for any supplies from Lhasa OMS our sponsor.
13. Receive 7 CEUs from NCCAOM; Florida. Texas and CA to come in soon.
14. Learn in a small classroom setting
15. You will get a 176 (and counting) page pdf handout. It’s like getting a FREE book on Clinical Pearls!