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Middletown, CT



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November 09th – 10th  2019

Time 9:00 AM till 5:30 PM

Wesleyan University – Judd 116





Course Description: This class covers the Basic Battlefield Acupuncture protocol on Saturday and Advanced Battlefield Acupuncture and Clinical Pearls on Sunday. Both days are didactic in the morning and there are clinical demonstrations* in the afternoons. You will learn the histories of Basic and Advanced Battlefield Acupuncture, when to use them, and the outcomes you should expect. There are several Clinical Pearls to incorporate into your practice. There is time for discussion, Q&A and case review. You will also learn how to integrate Battlefield Acupuncture into your practice immediately.


A crucial part of the experience is that students learn the protocol hands on, so by time they return to their clinics on the Monday (after class), they are proficient in the technique. Generally, they are excited to start using the protocol right away. They can use it immediately to treat their toughest pain patients.


*Vital to the clinical demonstrations is having volunteers with pain that are treated for free. They are treated by the students under the guidance of the instructor. The more volunteers we have, the better the learning experience for the students.
Choose either one or both days.


Day one

History of Acupuncture and Auriculotherapy in the United States
History of Battlefield Acupuncture
Concepts of Shenmen as related to the Ear
What Battlefield Acupuncture treats and is good for
All about ASP ear needles – types and metals
Pre-treatment – what to ask for and why
Before, during and after treatment
Needle insertion/Hold supporter: demonstrations
Point sequence: Battlefield Acupuncture
When to stop needling
After treatment care and followup
Delayed response
Retention of needles
Review and tips
Treatments and demonstrations
QA with finish up and demonstrations


Day Two

Review of Basic Battlefield Acupuncture
History of Advanced Battlefield Acupuncture
Types of needles used
Pairing of needles
Clustering of needles
Incorporating Nogier’s three phases
Piezo Pen – adjunct to Battlefield Acupuncture and stand-alone treatment
Clinical Pearls
After treatment care and follow up
Review and tips
Q&A with finish up demonstrations



Wesleyan University
Judd 116
46 Wyllys Avenue
Middletown, CT 06459


Registration Details and Fees:

Early Bird Registration will be $50 of the regular registration price
CTSA/ASA members get $50.00 off Early bird and regular registration
Early Bird Registration by Sept 9, 2019
CTSA/ASA members: $375.00
Non members: $425.00
Registration after Sept 9, 2019
CTSA/ASA members $ 425.00
Non Members: $475.00


Cancellation Policy
We will refund in full for cancellation before September 9, 2019
We will refund in full minus a $50 charge for cancellation from Sept 10 to Oct 9
No refund for cancellation after Oct 9


For any questions about the course please feel free to call Maggie Barili, President CTSA

at 860-227-3056 or email:
