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St. Paul

The program for the seminar is as follows:


DAY 1: Basic Battlefield Acupuncture:


1.Introduction to Battlefield Acupuncture (BFA)
2. Uses and Advantages of BFA
3. ASP Ear Needles
4. Treatment Steps and Procedures
5. BFA Anatomy/Location and Points
6. Post Treatment and Expectations
7. Step by Step Review of the Protocol
8. Study Results
9. Treatment Follow-up and Ear Care
10. Clinical Demonstrations – hands on experience with volunteers


DAY 2: Advanced Battlefield Acupuncture:


1. Review of Basic Battlefield Acupuncture (BFA)
2. Introduction to Advanced BFA
3. Proper use of needles and correct insertion
4. Treatment Steps and Procedures
5. Advanced BFA Anatomy/Location and Points
5. Use of other devices as part of Advanced BFA
6. Apply Advanced BFA in clinical practice successfully
7. Contraindications and Outcome of Advanced BFA
8. Clinical Demonstrations – hands on experience with volunteers


